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             Problem descriptio:Whe checkig the cost calculatio, the system will prompt that the data type does ot match, ad the cost maagemet patch has bee applied but is ivalid.Solutio:Hello, the research ad developmet persoel of this problem have released related patches.The patch is kb-u860sp--30-5.msi, please use the dowload ceter [patch umber: automatic patch update tool] to istall the patch to solve this problem; a cost check has bee trasferred to the developmet departmet for processig.The patch is ready.Please use the automatic update patch after the patch is released.2.For the report problem that occurs whe usig the automatic update tool to upgrade the database, it eeds to be hadled as follows:Please back up your data i advace.Please execute the correspodig moderizatio statemet before upgradig.After the upgrade, the problem of maually eterig productio orders ca be solved.These scripts ca oly be executed oce ad caot be repeated: the eviromet here is: wisrv, 860sp + all officially released patches-1.Other records of the voucher item are required.Isert ito the certificate items (VT_ID, Cardum, CardItemum, CardItemame, CaotSelect, ShowIt, LikIt, LikTbl, LikField, Tableame, FieldType, ReferType, ReferTable, CardSectio, CardFormula1, CardFormula2, CaModify, MaxLegth, MaxShowLe, umPoit, Isull, Cadelite, UserCheck, UserPrompt, FormatChar, IsMai, eedSum, CalcField, Aliasum, is) SelfDef, COX,Shy width, height, TabIdex, DefaultValue,IsFixedLegth, FormatData, FotState, PritCaptio, PritUpcase, PritIterval, DataSource, EterType, DataRule, ValidityCheck, ReserveSegTitlePos, BuildArchives, ReferReturField, cmemo, Border) value ("", '26', '222', full supplier ame, '0 ,0,0,ull,ull,'vedor',cveame',1,1,'vedor','t','supplier full ame,'supplier full ame,'0,20,0,0,0,0 ,0,2,ull,ull,ull,1,0,0,0,ull,0,0--2.Other records are required for the issuace items.Isert ito the issuace items (vt_id, cardum, carditemum, carditemame, caotselect, showit, likit, liktbl, likfield, tableame, fieldame, fieldtype, refertype, refertable, cardsectio,,cardformula1, cardformula2, camodify, MaxLegth, maxshowlegth,,umPoit, Isull, Cadelite, UserCheck, UserPrompt, FormatChar, IsMai, eedSum, CalcField, Aliasum, isSelfDef, COX, COY, Width, Height, TabIdex, DefaultValue, IsFixedLegth, FormatData, FotState, PritCaptio, PritUpcase, PritIterval, DataSource, DataRule, ValidityCheck, ReserveSegTitlePos, BuildArchives, ReferReturField, cmemo,, border) value ("", '26', '223','closed by', 0,1,0, ull, ull,'pu_arrivalvouch','ccloser' , 1,5','t','closed by','closed by', 0,20,0,0,2, ivalid妈妈将表格设计从护城河表格更改为改变表格mom_uuocateadd[Defie22][varchar](60)将中文中国大学表格更改为ULL alter table mom_ocatead[Defie23][varchar](60)将中文中国表格更改为空变表格妈妈表格mom_E24][varchar](60)将中文作为空的更改表momuu分配添加[定义25][varchar](60)将中文作为空的更改表妈妈u分配添加[定义26][real]空的更改表妈妈u分配添加[定义27][real]空的更改表妈妈u分配添加[定义28][varchar 120)将中文“中华人民共和国”CI校对为空更改表mom“moallocate添加[Defie29][varchar](120)将中文“中华人民共和国”CI校对为空更改表“妈妈”添加[Defie30][varchar](120)核对中国的中文ULL ALTER TABLE mom moallocate ADD[Defie31][varchar](120)将中文表格mom moallocate ADD[Defie32][varchar](120)将中文表格mom moallocate ADD[Defie33][varchar](120)将中文表格mom moallocate ADD[Defie33][varchar](120)将中文表格mom MOMUUUUC CI MOAU moallocate ADD[Defie34][it it]ULL ALTER TABLE mom_umoallocateadd[Defie35][it]ULL ALTER TABLE mom_umoallocateadd[Defie36][datetime]ULL ALTER TABLE mom_umoallocateadd[Defie37][datetime]ULL--4。 tmp_uu将表设计从BOM组件表更改为alter table tmp_uumCompoetAdd[MoDId][it]ULL
